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Solution for Fuel Monitoring & Fuel Cost Management

Complete visibility of fuel spending for your fleet


Fuel Monitoring & Management solutions designed to help fleet operators monitor, control & reduce fuel spending

High fuel expense is dragging your bottom line? KATSANA fuel solutions are designed to help you identify causes of high fuel use, control and minimize fuel wastage, and tackle possible fuel abuses such as theft.

Fuel Level Sensors

Real-time Fuel Level Monitoring System for heavy vehicles

Fuel Level Sensor
Driver Refueling App

Digitally capture refuel receipts, volume & cost

Fuel record app
Fuel Dashboard & Reports

Identify sources of fuel wastage & leakage

Fuel utilisation report
Vehicle Access Control

Driver Identification via NRIC, Bluetooth & RFID to control vehicle access

Driver Identification sensor
Vehicle Usage Record

Automate vehicle usage record-keeping through Digital Driver Logbook

Digital Driver Logbook

Reduce fuel expense & theft via Fuel Level Monitoring System for heavy vehicles


As a fleet operator, are you facing these problems?

Your diesel fleet card shows a transaction for 300 Litres of diesel, yet when you physically inspect the fuel tank a few hours later, the tank is only 20% filled. How could your truck consume all that fuel so fast? Is it possible that most of the 300L of diesel did not enter the fuel tank? How can you be sure?

KATSANA Fuel Management System provides a comprehensive fuel tank monitoring feature for fleet operators.

Fuel spending is one of the significant expenses in the operations of a fleet. Inefficient use of fuel combined with wastage and theft can serious impact the profitablity of your fleet company.

Fuel tank monitoring system is the proven method to keep & manage fuel spending and consumption.

Say good bye to wasted fuel and guessing.

Solving your high fuel expense problem:

  • Measure precise volume in the fuel tank

  • Detect fuel siphoning from fuel tank

  • Measure total refuel volume

  • Detect fuel theft due to underfilling

  • Reduce up to 30% fuel expenses

  • Reduce excessive engine idling events

  • Reduce speeding & fuel wasting behaviors

Ten Key Benefits of KATSANA Fuel Monitoring System

Precise fuel measurement

Measure fuel level with 99.5% precision to help fleet determine exact fuel volume and location of fuel tank refuelling, enabling cross-check with fuel receipts.

Detect & Deter fuel thefts

Detect potential fuel thefts and deter opportunistic thefts that precisely log date, time, volume and location of fuel siphoning incidents.

Reduce fuel spending

Reduce fuel expenses up to 30% by measuring and implementing fuel controls based on actual driver and vehicle usage.

Extensive Fuel Reports

Generate and download detailed fuel level and fuel consumption reports. See total fuel consumed, fuel level at trip start and end, refuelling and fuel drain/siphoning events.

Instant Alerts

Receive immediate alerts through SMS, email and within the KATSANA platform of fuel theft incidents.

Engine Idling Detection

Detect prolonged, unnecessary engine idling that wastes fuel away through extensive reports in KATSANA fuel management dashboard.

Live Fuel Tracking on Map

Keep track of fuel level, consumption and trip efficiency in real-time on fleet-optimized map interface.

Expert Customer Support

Get direct access to expert KATSANA customer support that will take care of issues for you. Problem? Pass it to us.

High Quality Hardware

KATSANA ruggedized fuel level sensors are designed to withstand tough conditions and uses Bluetooth transmission for fast, uninterrupted data transfer to telematics hardware.


Well-integrated with other KATSANA solutions making the fleet efficient & cost-effective

KATSANA fuel monitoring system works seamlessly within the KATSANA ecosystem, providing fleet operators with a robust suite of fleet management solutions.

fleet management system

Fuel Monitoring Reviews by other fleet operators

Over 1000 fleet oprators in Malaysia have trusted fuel monitoring solutions by KATSANA and seen signified improvements in fuel cost and effciency.

Reach out to us to start measuring and implementing fuel control for your fleet.


Frequently Asked Questions about Fuel Monitoring System

Fleet operators install fuel monitoring system onto their vehicles to effectively manage & control fuel usage, reduce fuel costs due to inefficient driving & theft, improve operational efficiency and more recently to meet regulatory compliance (carbon emission control & calculation).

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Take note we are only available to respond to phone call enquiries from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 to 18:00, GMT +8 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).